Ruby Capybara with selenium Cheat Sheat

“Capybara” is a library to helps you test web applications.
This article is a cheat sheet for Ruby “Capybara

🚕 Get Started

Install Rubygem capybara and selenium-webdriver:

$ gem install capybara
$ gem install selenium-webdriver

Write sample code to capybara_sample_spec.rb:

require 'capybara/rspec'

Capybara.default_driver = :selenium

feature 'Capybara Sample' do
scenario 'success something' do
visit ''
fill_in('name', with: 'Sample User')

You can execute capybara_sample_spec.rb by RSpec:

$ rspec capybara_sample_spec.rb

😸 Click Examples

# Click button by id, text, title or alt of img tag
click_button('button text')

# Click link by id, text, title or alt of img tag
click_link('link text')

# Click button or link
click_on('button or link text')

🐮 Interecting with Form Examples

# Set text to text tag by id, name or label text
fill_in('some text', with: 'text_tag_selector')

# Select pulldown by id, name or label text
select('some option', with: 'select_tag_selctor')

# Select checkbox by id, name or label text

# Deselect checkbox by id, name or label text

# Choose radio button by id, name or label text

# Attach file
attach_file('attach_file_selector', '/path/to/dog.jpg')

😼 Element Examples

# Find element by css
find(:css, 'css selector', options)

# Find element by xpath
find(:xpath, 'xpath value', option)

# Set some text to some input form
find(:xpath, 'some xpath').set('some text')

# Show text in the element
find('id_selector', visible: false).text

# Show value in the element

# Check checkbox

# Check Selectbox

# Check Visibility
find('a', text: 'next').visible?

🏀 Querying Examples

# Check existance of the element by css
expect(page).to have_css('#something')

# Check existance of the element by xpath
expect(page).to has_xpath('#something')

# Check existance of the element by content
expect(page).to has_content('#something')

# Check no existance of the element by content
expect(page).to has_no_content('#something')

# Check no existance of title
expect(page).to has_title('#something')

🐯 Scope Examples

# Scope with xpath
within("//li[@id='example']") do
fill_in 'Full Name', with: 'John Due'

# Scope with CSS
within(:css, "li#example") do
fill_in 'Full Name', :with => 'John Due'

🐝 Other Examples

# Waiting & try to check the element for 30 seconds
Capybara.using_wait_time(30) do
expect(find('#message')).to have_text('Complete')

# Click alert
accept_alert do
click_on 'Show Alert'

# Dismiss confirm
dismiss_confirm do
click_on 'Delete'

# Execute JavaScript
execute_script 'window.scrollTo(0, 900)'

# Capture screen

# Debugging

🎂 Using Capybara without RSpec

Sample code using Capybara without RSpec or other framework is as follows:

require 'capybara'

Capybara.default_driver = :selenium

class CapybaraSampleClass
include Capybara::DSL

def sample_method
visit ''
fill_in('name', with: 'sample user')

sample =
$ ruby cabybara_sample.rb

🗽 Appendix: Page Object

A page object is an object-oriented class that serves as an interface to a page of your TEST.

The Page Object Design Pattern provides the following advantages:

  • There is a clean separation between test code and page specific code such as locators.
  • There is a single repository for the services or operations offered by the page.

Policy of the Page Object Design Patttern is as follows:

  • Create a method to abstract controlling UI
  • Return new Page Object if there is page transition
  • Not include assertion logic in Page Object
  • Should check successful of page transition

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