"errbit" is Excellent Error Catcher with Heroku

This article describes errbit which is an error catcher with Heroku and Slack.

🐮 Installation on server

You should open errbit and push “Deploy to Heroku” button.

After deploying it, please set the following environment variables:

# Get repository
$ git clone https://git.heroku.com/APP_NAME.git

# Set environemt variable
heroku config:set ERRBIT_HOST APP_NAME.herokuapp.com

🚜 Installation on client

Add the following gems and execute bundle install:

# Error Catcher
gem 'airbrake'

Set a configuration in Errbit, please set the following codes to config/initializers/errbit.rb:

Airbrake.configure do |config|
config.api_key = 'Errbitにアプリを登録完了するともらえます'
config.host = 'example-errbit.herokuapp.com'
config.port = 80
config.secure = config.port == 443

🎂 Manual Notification in app

If you want to notify error manually, please write code like this:

# ...
rescue => ex
# ...

🖥 Recommended VPS Service

VULTR provides high performance cloud compute environment for you. Vultr has 15 data-centers strategically placed around the globe, you can use a VPS with 512 MB memory for just $ 2.5 / month ($ 0.004 / hour). In addition, Vultr is up to 4 times faster than the competition, so please check it => Check Benchmark Results!!