How to run RSpec in Ruby on Rails by Travis CI

You can use Travis CI for free, if you push GitHub public repository.

The service supports following languages:


🐠 Sign up Travis CI

At first, you sign up for Travis CI.

After you finish to register, you allow to collaborate with a GitHub repository in Profile - Travis CI.


🐝 Create .travis.yml

Please execute following commands:

$ gem install travis

# generate .travis.yml
$ travis init

Edit .travis.yml like:

language: ruby
- 2.3.0
- 2.2.4
bundler_args: --jobs=2
- bundle exec rake db:setup
- bundle exec rake spec
cache: bundler
- postgresql
postgresql: "9.4"

Execute following commands for checking .travis.yml by travis-ci/travis-lint:

$ gem install travis-lint

$ travis lint
> Hooray, .travis.yml looks valid :)

After finishing the setting, running RSpec on Travis CI when you push .travis.yml to GitHub.
Let’s check the status by travis open which show the status on your browser.


🐮 Add Badge

You can put a batch which shows the status on Travis CI on README of GitHub. You can get a tag of the batch by Travis.

Travis CI badge

🍣 Special Thanks

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