Final feature sets of ECMAScript 2018

In this article, I would like to share final features in ECMAScript by the awsome article.

🐯 Asynchronous Iteration

Sample code:

If you want to call asynchronously API multiple time, you could execute in parallel using Promise.all and execute as follows:

(async() => {
const dataList = await Promise.all([

for (const data of dataList) {

But if you use a lot of API, it is difficult to manage the code. You could rewrite this by using Asynchronous Iteration:

(async() => {
const promises = ['hoge', 'fuga'].map((path) => {

for await (const data of promises) {

🐠 Rest/Spread Properties

// Rest Properties
const obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};
const {foo,} = obj;
// Same as:
// const foo = 1;
// const rest = {bar: 2, baz: 3};

// Spread properties
x; // 1
y; // 2
z; // { a: 3, b: 4, x: 5 }
const n = { x, y, ...z }
console.log(n); // { x:5, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 }

πŸŽ‰ RegExp: named capture groups

It is about identifying capture groups via name in RegExp:

const RE_DATE = /(?[0-9]{4})-(?[0-9]{2})-(?[0-9]{2})/;

const matchObj = RE_DATE.exec('1999-12-31');
const year = matchObj.groups.year; // 1999
const month = matchObj.groups.month; // 12
const day =; // 31

πŸš• RegExp: Unicode property escapes

In the Unicode standard, each character has properties - metadata descripbing it.
We can use the Unicode properties in JavaScript RegExp:

const re = /^\p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}+$/u;

console.log(re.test('123')); // true
console.log(re.test('123foo456')); // false
console.log(re.test('οΌ‘οΌ’3οΌ”5πŸžπŸ•')); // true

πŸ˜€ RegExp: lookbehind assetions

(?<= ...)< code> indicates lookbehind assetions:

// Before ES2018
const result = '123$456 $789 $ 000'
.map(x=> x.slice(1));
console.log(result); // ['456', '789']

// Using lookbehind assetions
const result = '123$456 $789 $ 000'.match(/(?<=\$)\d+ g< span>);
console.log(result); // ['456', '789'] <= no $< span>

🐝 RegExp: s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions

If you add flag /s to a regular expression, . matches line terminator character:

// true

πŸ€ Promise.prototype.finally()

Promise.prototype.finally() works as follows:

.then(result => {Β·Β·Β·})
.catch(error => {Β·Β·Β·})
.finally(() => {Β·Β·Β·});

finally() callbac is always executed. Compare:

  • then() callback is only executed if promise if fulfilled
  • cathc() callback is only executed:
    • If promise is rejected
    • If then’s callback throws an exception
    • returns a rejected Promise.

🎳 Special Thanks

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